Coombe Ian - Questionnaire for the 'WWII: Childhood Experiences of War & Peace, 1939-  1960' an oral history project 

Born in Winchester, Hampshire, England in 1942.

First 10 years Gosport .second 10  years Glasgow, Scotland.

Just prior to WWII 

Would you tell me any memories that you have of 1939, please? Fear of war? Any preparations for war being made? Air raid shelters being built? Housing-for your family and for others. Food?

Healthcare? School? Parent's work? Any holidays? Films, play, entertainment in general?

Was not born in 1939 

Early Days of WWII 

What do you remember about the announcement of war? How did you feel about the onset of war? Did you talk about the war with your friends? What did they say? What do you remember (if anything) about the sinking of the Athenia? What can you tell us about your awareness of people going off to war? The changing role of women? Can she describe any memories around munitions factories? People moving to Glasgow to work in them? The air raid wardens, blackouts, school? 602 Squadron.

Early days spent in Gosport, mother was invited  to the Queen (mother's) garden party at Buckingham  Palace  due  to  her  war work  selling  National Savings stamps  to  the  people  of Gosport.


Could you tell me about any memories of rationing?  Sweets (Gls with sweets?). Fish and Chips. Recipes, 'Dig for Britain'? Clothes rationing - Coal rationing. Soap rationing? Etc. The end of rationing? Do you remember it being phased out?

My parents used their ration books until the fifties I believe. .


Were you evacuated? Can you remember any friends that were? Would you say there were more or fewer children at your school? Can you tell us about seeing evacuees leaving/coming home? Any children coming to Glasgow from other places?

We  were  not  evacuated  from  Gosport  even  although  we were close to Portsmouth naval dockyard and on the flight path of the Luftwaffe when flying overhead to blitz London. Often they would dropped unreleased bombs on the Gosport Lee-on-Solent area.

The Blitz 

Can you describe how you felt when there was an air raid? Do you have any memories of a siren suit? The place you went to shelter? Did it change over time? What people chatted about in there? Were you aware of any other shelters in the area? Did you hear of anyone that died? Did you hear about the blitz in Clydebank and Greenock?

Recall being  carried  down  the  garden  to  the Anderson air raid shelter complete with gas masks which smelled really bad and gave one a claustrophobic feeling. A  neighbours’ house just down the street was demolished by an incendiary bomb and its occupants killed.

Housing during WWII 

Do you have any memories of people being made homeless by bombs? Can you remember bombed­ out buildings?

I do recall bombed out buildings in   Gosport and Portsmouth that remained derelict until the late forties. One cinema in   Gosport called the Ritz was destroyed by an Incendiary bomb and we kids played in the ruins for a few years after the war ended.

Impact on Family of WWII 

Did you have any family members that went off to war? Do you have any memories of friends whose parents were in the army/navy/air force?

My father (Royal Navy)  was  a Sick Berth Petty Officer on HMS  Formidable, an aircraft  carrier, and told my brothers and I about bodies being collected from the flight deck and prepared for burial.

Schooling and bits of war work

Born in 1942 I did not go to school until 1947. Many local families had allotments where they grew vegetables long after the war ended.

Children’s understanding of events during WWII 

I was too young to be aware of the war in progress and any special events. As a young boy I do recall seeing big grey barrage balloons in the sky over the dockyard. They always reminded me of “elephants in the sky”.

Cinema and play and other entertainments and leisure activities 

I always enjoyed the Newsreels of the war, most likely in the aftermath more than during the hostilities. My friends and I played war games and the usual cowboys and Indians. We also played in the old tanks and the AA guns that had been installed along the beach in Stokes Bay in anticipation of German invasion that never came. The old rusty machines remained on the beach until the late forties.

The end of WWII 

Don’t recall the euphoria of the war ending

Schooling Post-War 

Do not recall any changes of note to school routines as I was not exposed to school until after the war.

Childhood Experiences of War & Peace
